Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development Report

Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development released in February their Maryland Housing Needs Assessment & 10-Year Strategic Plan to chart a course for Maryland to become a more affordable place to live by 2030. They report that “Between 2020 and 2030, Maryland will add nearly 100,000 new households earning less than half of median income. About 49,000 of those will qualify as extremely low-income households, and 47,500 will qualify as very low-income households. Perhaps most concerning, however, are the demographic disparities that exist in the state’s housing market today. Households of color experience higher rates of cost-burdens, lower levels of homeownership compared with white households, and tend to live in higher-need areas across Maryland. These disparities are especially pronounced among Black households, whose homeownership rate is 26 percentage points lower than white households. Over the next 10 years, housing policy should be created with a focus on activities and investments that create equal opportunity for people of color.”
Their findings and recommendations align closely with the work that Kent Attainable Housing is already engaged. You can read the full report here.