Home > Site prep has begun

On hand for Mayor Cerino’s visit to the site shown left to right were Ronnie Edelman, David Biehler, Muriel Cole, Chris Cerino, Lani Seikaly and Ed Minch. (Participant photos were taken separately and merged photographically to comply with socially distancing guidelines.)

Site Preparation has Begun for the Garnet House

Site preparation is underway for Kent Attainable Housing’s 1st home on College Avenue named the Garnet House because it is situated on the site of the original Garnet High School.  Mayor Cerino, stopping by to check on this new progress shared, “This is a very exciting project that is a win-win for this community.  It’s a fantastic example of strategic infill development for the Town, the neighborhood will benefit from the improvement of a vacant lot, and this is an amazing opportunity for a limited income family to move into their own home.”